Step by step instructions to broaden your social visa in Bali

Step by step instructions to broaden your social visa in Bali

Our organization BaliBusinessConsulting is constantly prepared to make your stay on Bali more agreeable and assume control over all visa augmentation courses of action (check costs here). However, in the event that you wish to deal with everything all alone, we can encourage on the most proficient method to you can broaden your social visa in Bali yourself.

Social visa augmentation technique on Bali

Social visa can be substantial for 30 or 60 days with an alternative of 4 augmentations for 30 days each. For the first and second expansions, archives must be submitted 7 days before visa expiry day, alternate augmentations must be started 14 days before the expiry date.

Movement charge per 1 augmentation of social visa is 355 000 IDR.

Ensure you apply for augmentation in great time!

Every augmentation of social visa has 4 phases:

•             take important structures in Immigration office;

•             apply for augmentation;

•             pay;

•             collect reports.

Vital: for every accommodation of reports for expansion, the support is required to go to face to face. Consider when requesting that somebody be your support. In the event that you got your sponsorship letter and different records to apply for augmentation independent from anyone else in our office (check points of interest here), we ensure that the support will be there for every expansion strategy.

In the first place expansion

For the primary expansion please get ready:

1.            Passport;

2.            A duplicate of the fundamental page of passportкопия главной страницы паспорта;

3.            A duplicate of travel permit page witha stamp of passage and visa;

4.            Form;

5.            Letter of certification, with extraordinary stmp Materai (type of letter and stamp can be taken in Immigration office). Support signs to finish everything;

6.            Sponsorship letter (type of letter can be taken in Immigration office or imprinted ahead of time, see the layout on the finish of this article);

7.            Copy of supporters ID (check the legitimacy of ID);

8.            Red organizer (issued by the migration office).

There is a lining administration framework set up for candidates, and you should take a number ticket at the passage to the Immigration office. The date of the following visit will be noted on the installment receipt that you will endless supply of records.

Upon the arrival of arrangement, you should go to the Immigration office to pay the expansion (additionally on a lining premise) and get an installment receipt containing the date of visa discharge. On your third visit, before issuing your visa, movement officers will have an example of your mark, fingerprints and a photo. Biometric information are gathered once per 1 one visa legitimacy term. For consequent visa augmentations, fingerprints won't be gathered.

Second, third, and fourth expansions

Second, third, and fourth augmentations system contains similar phases of the main expansion, with another poll (survey shape is accessible in the Immigration Office) and duplicates of visa pages with past augmentation stamps added to the rundown of records.

Set of records:

1.            Passport;

2.            A duplicate of the primary page of travel permit;

3.            A duplicate of international ID page with stamp of passage and visa;

4.            A duplicate of international ID page with past expansions;

5.            Lletter of assurance, with exceptional stmp Materai (type of letter and stamp can be taken in Immigration office). Support signs to finish everything;

6.            Sponsorship letter (type of letter can be taken in Immigration office or imprinted ahead of time, see the layout on the finish of this article);

7.            Copy of patrons ID (check the legitimacy of ID);

8.            Form and red organizer (issued by the migration office).


1. All duplicates are made on a different sheet of A4.

2 All reports for supports are in Indonesian, however the content isn't troublesome. You can request that the support round it out or else utilize Translate. google.

3 During your visit to the Immigration office, you are encouraged to demonstrate regard to officers, be gracious and dressed in like manner.

4 The stamp for archives costs 6000 IDR and can be likewise purchased in the Post office and in some Indomaret shops. Materai is the Indonesian word for the stamp.


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